Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Jorge Volpi

Mexican writer, and one of the founders the "Crack Movement", born in Mexico City in 1968.

Volpi graduated in law and mastered in Mexican Literature at the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) and received a PhD in Spanish philology at the Universidad de Salamanca in Spain, with a thesis on the poet Jorge Cuesta.

With his most famous book, 'En busca de Klingsor' (In Search of Klingsor, 1999) he started a XX Century trilogy and obtained a few prizes, Biblioteca Breve, Deux Océans, Grinzane Cavour and best translation from Rome's Instituto Cervantes. This novel brought him international recognition, being translated in 19 languages.

Volpi completed his trilogy with El fin de la locura (2003) and No será la tierra (2006).

1991 - "Pieza en forma de sonata, para flauta, oboe, cello y arpa, Op. 1"
1993 - A pesar del oscuro silencio
1994 - Días de ira
1995 - La paz de los sepulcros
1996 - El temperamento melancólico
1997 - Sanar tu piel amarga
1998 - La imaginación y el poder. Una historia intelectual de 1968
1999 - En busca de Klingsor (In Search of Klingsor)
2000 - El juego del Apocalipsis
2003 - El fin de la locura
2004 - La guerra y las palabras. Una historia intelectual de 1994
2005 - Crack. Instrucciones de uso (with Ricardo Chávez Castañeda, Alejandro Estivill, Vicente Herrasti, Ignacio Padilla, Pedro Ángel Palou and Eloy Urroz)
2006 - "Mexico: Lo que todo ciudadano quisiera (no) saber de su patria" (with Denise Dresser)
2006 - No será la tierra
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