Thursday, May 03, 2007

Volver by Pedro Almodovar

Mitchell Warren reviews Volver.
Volver plays like a melodrama more than a piece of visionary film making, like a Mike Leigh film (Secrets And Lies) with far more pleasant scenery. There is also some dark comedy in the film, with Raimunda's unfortunate problem of disposing of a corpse. Performances are excellent, even if subtitled, most notably Penelope Cruz and followed by Blanca Portillo as Agustina and Carmen Maura as Mother Irene. By the time the final tear is dropped, there is much that is left unsaid, and even unrevealed to we the audience. However, the film's central plot is the main emphasis for the story. We didn't get to meet Raimunda or Solie as much as we got to merely witness an episode in their life, like eavesdropping on a mother-daughter chat from a nearby hospital bed. Volver is still exciting though in a nonexplosive, character-driven way. Pedro Almodovar knows how to create cinema life out of anything, even the very small and unassuming. His younger contemporaries are still fascinated with all the big guns and apocalyptic visions - the sort of little boy toys that Almodovar abandoned so he could spend more quality time with women. Read More

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