Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Satanás by Mario Mendoza (Review)

In December 4th 1986 Campo Elias Delgado, murdered 29 people in Bogotá, Mario Mendoza who had met him in college took fifteen years to tell the story of this man.
But Satanas is not about this murder; it's about Bogotá, with very peculiar characters. A beautiful and naïve woman how involved in a scam to rip off high executives, a painter inhabited by mysterious forces, and a priest fighting against a case of demoniac possession in La Candelaria, Bogotá's colonial quarter - stories evolving around the story of Campo Elias, Vietnam war hero, starting a descent to hell, obsessed by the duality of good and evil, between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, that will turn into a extermination angel. Satanas is a novel about the dark presence of evil in everyday life.
The scenery is a shredded landscape, today's Colombia, and a city Bogotá, who's streets, the characters of this novel, wander erratically, condemned to expiate a unending guilt, in witch moving scenes mingle with others of raw violence.
Winner of the Premio Biblioteca Breve 2002, Satanas confirms Mario Mendoza as one of the best writers of the new Colombian fiction, set apart from the magical realism and discovering new voices for a new reality.

Buy Satanas at Amazon.com

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