Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Roberto Arlt (Argentina)

Argentinean novelist, short-story writer, dramatist and journalist.


Roberto Arlt was born in April 2, 1900, in Buenos Aires.

He published El juguete rabioso, his first novel, in 1926. At that time he also began to write for the newspapers Crítica and El mundo. His daily column Aguafuertes Porteñas, appeared from 1928 to 1935 and later was compiled in the book of the same name. These articles are picaresque sketches of the people of Buenos Aires.

In 1935, he traveled to Spain and Africa sent by El Mundo, where he writes his Aguafuertes Españolas. But except for this trip and some escape to Chile and Brazil, he remained in Buenos Aires, as much in the real life as in his novels, Los siete locos and Los lanzallamas.
He died of a heart attack in Buenos Aires, in July 26, 1942.


1926 - El juguete rabioso (Mad Toy)
1929 - Los siete locos (The Seven Madmen)
1931 - Los lanzallamas
1932 - El amor brujo
1933 - Aguafuertes porteñas
1933 - El jorobadito
1936 - Aguafuertes españolas
1941 - El criador de gorilas
1960 - Nuevas aguafuertes españolas
1968 - Teatro completo
1997 - Cuentos Completos

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